The last edition of the Carnival was marked, from the beginning, by the date on which it was celebrated. It was one of the earliest that is remembered in the town, to the point that it practically merged with the last days of the Christmas holidays. A date that, for this next edition, may experience a substantial change. The municipal plenary hall hosted the first meeting of the Local Carnival Council, in which the entire carnival fabric of the town was present, from different associations such as Las Coplas, GRUCA, in addition to the different Peñas Carnavalescas, to begin to draw the lines of the next edition of this important festival. There were many topics discussed, such as the date of the Chipiona Carnival 2025 that would be held, in response to this proposal made by the Council, from February 22 with the proclamation until March 8. The Parade, on this occasion, would be on March 2, while the 3rd would be reserved as a local festival. An important modification that seeks to avoid the proximity of the calendar to Christmas dates and to opt for a Carnival that does not close with the parade.
There was also talk at this first meeting about the poster announcing the party which, this time at the proposal of one of those present, will serve as a recognition of ‘Aires Bandoleros’. This proposal was supported by the vote in favor of the Council, so anyone who wishes to present their work to aspire to be the author of the poster announcing the party, must in some way make an allusion to the first group from Chipiona that attended. to the Gran Teatro Falla. Some posters that, as Query explained, will be able to use artificial intelligence as a production tool. The delegate also took the opportunity to remember that the Local Carnival Council is open to listening to citizens’ proposals to further improve the local festival. WE RECOMMEND YOU