Palm Sunday
Parochial Grouping of Christ the King in his Triumphal Entrance in Jerusalem and Holy Mary of Hope.

Steps: 1
Headquarters: Parish of Our Lady of the O.

Departure: 6:00 pm
Pick up: 9:30 p.m.

Itinerary: Juan Carlos I Square, Doctor Tolosa Latour, Manuel Bueno Castellano, Paseo de la Cruz del Mar, Castle, Our Lady of the O, Isaac Peral, Father Lerchundi, Trebujena, Mariano José de Larra, José María Pemán, Avda. Rota, Víctor Pradera, Isaac Peral, Plaza Pio XII, Castillo, Agustina de Aragón, Isaac Peral, Fray Baldomero González (left side), Plaza Juan Carlos I.

Holy Wednesday
Franciscan Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Mercy, Sweet Name of Jesus, Our Lady of Mercy and Most Holy Mary of Solitude
(The Piety)

Steps: 1
Headquarters: Chapel of the Holy Christ of Misericordias.

Departure: 7:00 pm
Pick up: 22.30 hours.

Itinerary: Juan Carlos I Square, Fray Baldomero González (right side), Jesus of Misericordias, Larga, Hermanos Álvarez Quintero, Father Lerchundi, Isaac Peral, Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco Lara and Araujo, Joaquín Jurado, Castillo, Agustina de Aragón, Isaac Peral, Fray Baldomero González (left side), Plaza Juan Carlos I.

Holy Thursday
Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of Our Father Jesús Cautivo, María Santísima de los Dolores and San José Obrero

Steps: 2
Headquarters: Parish of Our Lady of the O.

Departure: 7.30 pm
Pick up: 00.00 hours.

Itinerary: Juan Carlos I Square, Fray Baldomero González (right side), Jesús de las Misericordias, Larga, Álvarez Quintero Brothers, Father Lerchundi, Trebujena, Avda. De la Diputación, Víctor Pradera, Zorrilla, Francisco Lara and Araujo, Miguel de Cervantes , Víctor Pradera, Castillo, Agustina de Aragón, Isaac Peral, Fray Baldomero González (left side), Plaza Juan Carlos I.

Holy Friday
Franciscan Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Mercy, Sweet Name of Jesus, Our Lady of Mercy and Most Holy Mary of Solitude

Steps: 2
Headquarters: Chapel of the Holy Christ of Misericordias.

Departure: 7:00 pm
Pick up: 00.30 hours.

Itinerary: Juan Carlos I Square, Fray Baldomero González (right side), Jesus of Misericordias, Larga, Álvarez Quintero Brothers, Father Lerchundi, Pozo Rey, Víctor Pradera, Zorrilla, Francisco Lara and Araujo, Miguel de Cervantes, Isaac Peral, Castillo , Dr. Tolosa Latour, Isaac Peral, PENANCE STATION AT LA CRUZ DEL MAR (if time permits), Paseo de la Cruz del Mar, Manuel Bueno Castellano, Term Juan Carlos I.
