Chipiona is pleased with the renewal of the blue flags of its beaches and announces the arrival of a new tractor.

The Blue Flags, the distinction granted by the European Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) to sustainable beaches, ports and boats since 1987, will wave again this year on the Chipione coast that goes from Micaela to Las Tres Piedras. Chipiona will again have five blue flags this year on the beaches of Camarón-La Laguna, Cruz del Mar-Canteras, Micaela, Regla and Tres Piedras-La Ballena. To this is added the award that Puerto Chipiona also obtains again this 2023 and the qualification as Blue Center to the El Camaleón Center. The Blue Flags are awarded after an exhaustive analysis by Adeac technicians of the safety conditions, environmental quality, sustainable management, user services, social integration and informative work of each port. Regarding environmental sustainability, issues such as water quality, waste management, prioritizing recycling, promotion of sustainable transport, traffic restriction and motor vehicle parking are taken into account when granting this distinction. in the port, except in authorized areas, energy efficiency and water use, the use of organic products as far as possible and landscape integration, among others. On the other hand, it has been reported that the mobile park on the beaches was very deteriorated and that it already has the new tractor for cleaning the beaches and collecting garbage. "It is a tractor that comes fully equipped and 100% subsidized thanks to the help received by the Delegation of more than half a million euros, which included the purchase of this tractor, which has involved an investment of 116,000 euros." This new tractor, the Delegate pointed out, adds to another one that they already have through the renting system and the acquisition of two new pick-ups through the renting system that have been managed with the Delegation's own resources. News obtained from Municipal Radio and Television of Chipiona and and-the-qualification-as-center-blue-to-center-el-camaleon/.