With the arrival of July, preparations begin in honor of the Virgen del Carmen. In the month of their name day, the Brotherhood crosses off days on the calendar until next July 16, when the festival of Our Lady of Carmen is commemorated. For this reason, commemorative events for this date have been taking place since July 11. That same day began the Solemn Triduum that took place yesterday the 12th and today the 13th at 8:30 p.m. in the Nuestra Señora de la O Parish.

On the other hand, the Main Function in honor of the Virgen del Carmen will take place on Sunday, July 14 at 12:30 p.m. After the mass, the solemn hand-kissing will begin throughout the day at the Nuestra Señora de la O Parish. Already on Tuesday the 16th, the day of the Virgin of Carmen, the celebration of the Eucharist will take place at 9:00 a.m. Next, at 10:00 a.m. the transfer will proceed to the fishing dock for boarding and maritime procession of the patron saint of sailors. At 7:30 p.m. the procession will take place through the streets of Chipiona from the Nuestra Señora de la O Parish. The planned itinerary will be Plaza Juan Carlos I, Calle Doctor Tolosa Latour, Manuel Bueno Castellanos, Paseo Cruz del Mar, Isaac Peral, Doctor Tolosa Latour, Calle Castillo, Padre Lerchundi, Cuatro Esquinas, Calle Jesús de las Misericordias, Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo, Sanlúcar Avenue, Barrio Street, Larga, Jesús de las Misericordias, Fray Baldomero González, Plaza Juan Carlos I and return to its Temple around 00:30 h. News obtained from: https://vivachipiona.es/chipiona/1707013/comienzan-los-preparativos-en-honor-a-la-virgen-del-carmen/